Wills and Inheritance Tax Planning

Wills and Inheritance Tax Planning

Lifetime Wealth Planning for both you and your Family.

Advice available for Wills, Asset Protection, Trusts, Lasting Powers of Attorney and Court of Protection Deputy Orders.

At Roper James we appreciate that your loved ones are most important to you. Increasingly busy lives mean that people often neglect to consider essential lifetime and estate planning.

The thought of making a Will or considering Inheritance Tax can seem daunting. Let the team at Roper James take the strain by helping you understand how to maximise your assets effectively, protecting your estate using available reliefs thereby giving you and your family peace of mind for the future.

Your needs and those of your family are important to us. Let us consider your individual circumstances and ensure your estate planning will provide you and your loved ones with optimum benefit for your lifetime and beyond.

Office Appointments and Home visits available.

Lasting Powers of Attorney

Life can sometimes deal us a difficult hand. Do not assume your family or loved ones are able to manage your affairs if something goes wrong. Take control by signing a Lasting Power of Attorney for Property and Financial Affairs and/or Health and Welfare to ensure the person you would want to make decisions has the legal standing to do so. Have a consultation with one of our team to hear the benefits and peace of mind afforded to you by taking such a simple step.

Court of Protection

If your loved one loses capacity to manage their affairs and has not signed a Lasting Power of Attorney or Enduring Power of Attorney for someone to act on their behalf, simply contact our dedicated team who will help you apply for a Deputy Order through the Court of Protection. This document will allow you to manage your loved one’s assets, enabling you to ensure that their quality of life can be maintained with the funds they have available. After all, who would know what their preferred wishes would be better than you.

Wills & Asset Protection

Making a Will can sometimes be a daunting prospect with complicated family circumstances or complex financial assets. Let Roper James qualified staff with their wealth of experience and knowledge steer you through the process to ensure that you utilise available tax reliefs and consider trust options to maximise your wealth to benefit those who mean most to you.

Whether you wish to keep things simple or protect assets with a Property Trust or Discretionary Trust let us talk you through your options to ensure you make an informed decision on what is best for you and your family’s future.

If you run a Business or own Agricultural Land it is important for you to consider whether Business Property Relief or Agricultural Relief is available for your type of circumstances. This is a complex area of law and a regular review of your position and legislation is essential.

Trusts and Inheritance Tax

With the increase in value of property, Inheritance Tax liability has become more common a concern than it may have been in the past. Legislation has also become more complex with the provision of the Transferable Nil Rate Band Allowance and Main Residence reliefs now available. Why not come in to discuss the protection such legislation gives your estate and consider what action you could take to further mitigate your tax liability allowing more of your estate to pass to your loved ones.

A Trust can be a useful tool, to protect assets for the future if you have concerns about family dynamics, estate erosion or receive a lump sum following an accident. Let one of our team talk you thorough a Trust option to suit you.

• Bare Trust
• Discretionary Trust
• Property Trust
• Personal Injury Trust

Disputed Wills

With complex family circumstances the need to challenge a Will is becoming ever more frequent. This can be due to concern that the deceased had been coerced into making the Will or, they did not understand the implications of what they were signing, or indeed they had just omitted to include a family member or dependent. Disputing a Will can be very emotionally difficult, so the support of an understanding lawyer is essential to guide you through the process. Let the team at Roper James help you consider the facts of the case and whether litigation is an appropriate option for you. Initial consultations are available to establish whether a challenge can be made.

Our Fees

Single Will £210 plus VAT

Mirror Wills for a couple £350 plus VAT

Family Trust Wills £600 plus VAT

Discretionary Trust Wills £550 plus VAT

Property Trust Wills £595 plus VAT (if already served then £450 plus VAT)

Severance of Joint tenancy £195 plus VAT

Lasting Powers of Attorney

Single person

Property & Finances LPA £395 plus VAT plus Court fee £82
Property & Finances and Health & Welfare £495 plus VAT plus Court fee of 2x £82


Property & Finances LPA £495 plus VAT plus Court fee 2x £82
Property & Finances and Health & Welfare £695 plus VAT plus Court fee 2x £82

Court fee of £82 per document for Court Registration

Interested in a claim? Contact us now! 01752 546448 Make an appointment